Mother's Day Iris Bouquet from Buddy Joe and Lynn
How fast time can fly by when you are having such a great time. Iowa was good--a bit on the nippy side but seeing friends and family makes up for it. My sister Pat and her daughter Suzie were having a contract Estate Sale the weekend we got in so we got to see what was at the sale early. I bought a wonderful pin enameled painter palette and Lynn bought an old hat rack. Not that we needed either but it is always fun to shop one of her sales. We got a sneak peak at another one they will be having later this Spring----WOW---what a wonderful array of antiques but such a lot of work to get ready for it. We spent a nice evening with Pat, John and Suzie at Pat and Johns condo above the trees. What a wonderful place they have---if we would find one similar here in the area, we sure would be there. Dinner was so good and we sure did enjoy the evening. Hope we get to spend more time with them in the fall.
We were thrilled to get to see Emily play tennis. The wind was blowing about 30 MPH but she did well anyway. Later in the week she played so hard he hurt her leg but did well in her next competition. Wishing her luck for the tournament upcoming.
We stayed with our good friends, Mike and Paul Wigg in Ankeny. We always are treated like family and the food is great. Got to spend some time with her applique small group and really enjoyed seeing the wonderful work they all do. Amazing. Mike has just finished a quilt she has been working on for a year or more. It is fantastic! Here are a couple of shots. All hand applique!.

We spent some time with our kids and were very surprised with our Brian's announcement that he was retiring this month at 44. He has worked hard and made a wonderful life for Cathie and Emily and Ethan and wants to spend more time with the family. Knowing him, we think a year or two off and he will get into something but power to him!!! We are not sorry that we took early retirement at 55 so I am sure he will find he will really enjoy it. More time at the lake house and traveling. Great times with the kids before they leave home. They took us to a new restaurant "The Radish" in Grimes, Ia. Wonderful food.
We also went there again with our good friends, Ann and Ron Victor. They loved it, too. Great to see them but our time was not long enough. I bet they have returned to the radish. Ann and Ron are school friends from Creston and Ann was my maid of honor. Special friends for sure.
We went to Creston, out home town and stayed with Lynn's sis, Char. Got to see our niece and great nieces, too. Everyone is growing up so fast and when we don't see them but about every six months, we can really see a change. Char is enjoying her new beautiful home and we are so happy for her. Eating at the Windrow and S and J are always great and we look forward to it.
We were not the long enough to see everyone we wanted so this fall we plan to take the RV and Buddy Joe and make a vacation of it.
On Wed. night we met Cathie, Emily, Ethan and Mike at a great pizza place in Johnston. Sat with Ethan and he really filled me in on how to do more things on my IPhone! I think a few hours with him and I might really know lots of goodies that the phone will do. Ethan has grown up so much and is so tall! He is almost ready to get his license to drive and he drove Lynn and I to and from the resturant in the TRUCK. He says that is what he wants but is really thinking it over with gas prices so high.
On Thursday we picked up our good friend Connie Rhine at her daughter's in Clive, Iowa and off we went to Joplin on our way home. Didn't get a early start so stopped at the Iowa Welcome Center and shopped for Amish Baskets and antiques. Found some good ones. Then on to Liberty, Mo. to the needlework shop. Connie was looking for some special wool and WE FOUND IT THERE! Couldn't believe it so we were very excited. Bless Lynn for his patience with us.
Then off to Joplin, Mo. where we stayed the night listening for storms and checking the TV! They missed us but there were a few moments of being a bit anxious. The next morning we headed to Eureka Springs. Connie had never been there and we spent the day with me in a wheelchair! Not Fun on the very old limestone walks and hills. A town that old not designed for handicap folks. Back problems the whole time we were gone and that is not fun. Thanks to Connie and Lynn, I was able to get around.
Headed to Dallas to get Buddy and then home on Saturday to Mineola. Funny when you are gone for a few days, your house feel strange when you return. We had a good time in Canton on Sunday, all of us had scooters and we really got around the flea market with good speed! Connie spent time at our apartment on Wed. when we came in and we stayed in the guest suite. She flew home on Thursday but we really didn't have much time to play. Maybe next time. Come back soon, Connie.
Lynn has worked this week and we stayed in Dallas thru the weekend. Mother's Day we were treated to a wonderful lunch with Jen, Mark, Sydney and Sam and then they came to see our new part-time digs. Nice weather and a great day!
I spent the whole day alone in the apartment working on the computer and just hanging out with good company, Buddy! He loves to watch the folks come and go in the courtyard. Will be something to remember when we move into a condo or apartment sometime down the road.
Well, better sign off ---the weather here in the area has been wonderful, flowers are very much in bloom and trees are completely leafed out. What a great spring for us.