This is one of Lynn's Mom's Hostas in Bloom in Texas. We have worked hard to save this and it is in full boom this week. They are beautiful!!
Happy 4th Belated!
Pine Mills, Texas
We were at the Thetford Farm for a 4th party and this is a bell on the farm.
We have a good 4th this year. (Celebrated on the 5th) Out to the Thetford Farm for a wonderful lunch and sitting on the porch. Anne Thetford is such a wonderful hostess and the food is always exceptional. Lynn and I cherish the time we spend there as it is so quite and the views are wonderful from the porch. Here are a couple below.
Home Projects Again!
We are almost done here at 702 Sycamore
Well, we are back at "home projects" for a few days. We had decided to have a new railing take the place of the original 1949 Iron scroll rail but were not sure how to do it. As luck had it, we found a guy who is a master at cabinets that is retired and he agreed to do it for us, all we had to do it come up with the design. We were so excited that our plan was going to happen so we got real busy fast and gave him a drawing of what we wanted and he said "not a problem"!!!!!! Also, we had decided to take down the old downspouts and gutters and install Rainhandlers so after we had that done, we wanted shutters! We hit Dennis up with the idea, he agreed and wala---he built us 9 sets before he had to leave town. Lynn and I will finish them as Dennis gave us great instuctions on using our router and how to cut the stars. If we do the rest of the house, we only have 11 sets to go---------Yes, 19 windows in this one story house but that is part of the reason we loved it so. Lots of light!!!!! I guess you can see we have a star theme going on here.
Railings stained by Lynn. We put steel caps on the posts.

Our new front doors! We have two, one to the kitchen and one to the livingroom off the front porch. We are going to paint them a dark teal soon. House trim will remail white unless we can get someone to change it up.Lynn said he liked white so it will make it much easier to repaint some of the place where it needs repair.
Our new front doors! We have two, one to the kitchen and one to the livingroom off the front porch. We are going to paint them a dark teal soon. House trim will remail white unless we can get someone to change it up.
Lynn's new brick floor in screened porch

Buddy Helping Lynn Lay Bricks! He is such a big help.

Here are Ray and Lynn ready to ride!!!! Boys and their Toys!

Buddy Helping Lynn Lay Bricks! He is such a big help.
New Addition to Lynn's Motor Pool
Lynn has been wanting a motorcycle and I am totally against it but he always goes with what I want so when he found this scooter I didn't fight it. It is pretty cute and not tooooo big. I can even ride it but haven't as yet. Need a motorcycle license for it as it is a 150 cc. Goes pretty good intown but only about 55 on highway. I think he is happy with it. Our neighbor, Ray found it for him and did some great work on it so now it is just like new---600 miles on it and ready to ride anywhere here in Mineola. It will make some great Icee runs, I am sure.
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