Great Grill

Was a good day today! We got up late and walked a bit then had breakfast of egg beaters! Yes, I am doing all I can to help my situation and when I weighed today, I had lost another 3.5 lbs!! Yeah!!!! Eating right does make a difference. Lynn has lost too so doing this together is a good thing. Got my extended VAP test back today and my numbers are down considerable. Still high but only been doing this 10 days when we took the other test. Down 200 points and that does make me feel a bit better. Still have a ways to go but all of this is for a best, I am sure.
I have an all day class tomorrow at the League of the Arts I am going to learn how to embellish with felting. Should be fun.
The man is coming to install our new Texas Star doors on the front of the house. Having two front doors is expensive---never thought about that one. Will share a pic here when they are installed. Another man is coming to give us a bid on a single Stainless Steel sink in the kitchen. After having a single sink and going back to a double, well, it is like night and day. Hopefully it can be done and the $$ is not too bad. One never knows on custom orders.
This is what I found our about the Purple People Eater Flower I have growing. Scary!
The Purple People Eater is a variety of Datura--a poisonous plant used in Voodoo rituals--in the making of zombies! It's also called 'devil's trumpet'. It is very beautiful, but (not that you would be tempted, but..) DONT EAT IT! Well, wasn't going to but will have to watch Buddy! How can something so beautiful be so strange?

Well, off to a car show here in Mineola. Going to take my camera. Maybe a pic or two.