Shabby Backgound

Friday, June 12, 2009



Potting Bench he built for me.

We seem to move thru the weeks and don't know how we did it but we are getting some more things done. Our goal of the grassless back yard is almost complete. YEA! Lynn has worked so hard to get it all finished along with building me a potting bench, two small fences, laying edging bricks along the path and planting everything you see. After he removed all the glass with a sod cutter (yea, that's a fun experience) he had a blank canvas. He is amazing! I can't help him like I used to but he gets it done and very well!!!! What a guy he is putting up with all my suggestions. We took up 550 bricks that were on the patio and built a very large wood deck which is yet to be stained. Maybe NEXT week---which seems to be words spoken often around here.

This little two story storage shed/Playhouse had an RV door on it so Lynn built a shutter
like he built for the rest of the house only larger and covered the door. Also painted the fence on the balcony that had never been painted! More work that it looks like. Mike Wigg gave us some planters that hook over rail so we put them up there and now we only have to lay stone under the balcony. MAYBE NEXT WEEK? Kinda have a birdhouse theme with stars going on.

We have two fountains to install and get electric to, 30 bags of mulch to lay down and soaker hoses to run so we still have lots to do. The yard is quite a bit bigger than it looks in the picture but as you can see NO GRASS. He laughed the other day when he said it isn't mowing every week but he is watering everyday! Working on that with a soaker hose timer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it.