We arrived here on Saturday to beautiful weather! Alabama coast, Gulf Shores, is a great place to be in the fall. We attended the 36th Annual Shrimp Festival on Sunday on the Beach in Gulf Shores. http://www.nationalshrimpfestival.com/ What a wonderful art show!!! Also the food is out of this world. Vendors from all over showing off the recipes they are known for. Well, guess what---with my shell fish allergy, I didn't dare try fish just because I didn't know how it was cooked and didn't want to take the chance of a trip to the hospital. Forgot to bring my shot to counter act the allergy. We saw some wonderful art!!!! Great water colors, pottery, wood turning, oils and photography. Hope to come again. I have eater gouper several times this week and boy, the way they fix it here, you want more and more. Grilled fish is wonderful and it has won Lynn over.
The weather has been wonderful and we haven't had to run our air in the camper until today. That was because it has been raining for 24 hours---almost every minute. Hard, hard rain. Buddy is really bummed as he loves to be outside. I have no idea how much we have received but water is standing everywhere. Hope we don't float away!!!!
I had planned to do some quilting and even brought my little sewing machine but it seems we were enjoying the outside too much. We shopped at the Tanger Outlets, (biggest in the southeast and building on) It is just about a mile from us here. We went to a fabric store that sells fabric by the pound. I made it to a quilt shop for just a short time also. Camping World took up some of our time, too. There are so many place to go here but Monday we spent hours at the beach. The waves were very high as there was some wind! It was so enjoyable----wish we had a beach closer to Mineola! I guess it's more fun to come this way and not have to worry about the hurricanes.
We head home tomorrow. Hope we can make it so we can attend the Texas State Fair on Sunday as it is the last day. Back to the real world next week. I AM going to do some quilting and clean the studio so I can start some Fall projects.
Our youngest, Jennifer was 38 on Monday so feel a bit old myself and really wanting to get so many things done for the kids! My art is important to me and I hope to leave some to my kids even if they only hang it when I am coming for a visit.
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