My roses are starting to bloom! I hope to put in a few more this year but they are are bit contrary at times. I did start my vine from seeds I held over from last year in small peat plugs and they are starting to pop! It was 79 here today so everything is growing well. Here is a pic of my second bloom. Also, my white rose should be out tomorrow.
Monday was the first get together for the East Texas Polymer Clay Group at the League of the Arts. Such a nice group of artists who are so enthusiastic about polymer clay. It was such fun and a few of them brought back their items to show from the class that Penny Hurst and I taught a few weeks ago. We are going to meet once a month and hopefully will gather several more members over 2008. How lucky we are here in Mineola to have a League that offer such opportunity. Old school building with all the facilities open all day and by appointment. Neat place to meet, work and share.
I don't know about any of you but I am a pack rat. Always have been and Lynn has survived for almost 44 years with this "kink" in my personality. What a guy! Anyway, over the last few months I have taken the cure---really, I know some of you don't think it possible but I have. I guess I can blame it on my parents. While I was being raised, my family always took care of thing, repaired them and reused and recycled before it was popular. EVERYTHING HAS VALUE is the way I was raised and it stuck. I love my "stuff" and can't seem to throw anything away. I save it for the next time I might need it even if a next time may never come. Well, after 44 years, I have to give somethings up----it's time. Sooooo over the next year, Lynn and I are going to have mini sales. We have the barn---we can set up and mark and close the door then open it when we decide the day is good and have it for a few hours then close the door! This Sat. we are selling off hopefully, leftovers from our booth. Not much left but want it all gone. It will be just Lynn and myself working and what is left over(not any antiques) will be donated to Kindness Kottage here in Mineola. Then I will have a art-craft supply sale in a few weeks. I will breath a sigh of relief when all is gone and we are organized. I have a little label machine ( I call it "Martha" as Martha Stewart swears by it and so does Martha Woosley) and I have gone crazy with it! If you don't have one---get one---it can change your life.
Art supplies are so hard to organize. Everything is different sizes and shapes but over the last few month I have gone thru most all of my stuff. I know what I want to keep and I have such a wonderful space (two walk in closets plus a 9 x 9 walk in room) and my studio is 20 x 20. I have all of it filled to the brim but organized. The last two days I have been sorting my clay and beading supplies. How wonderful to be able to pull out a drawer (I have 30 three drawer DMC floss cabinets) and see what I have. I also have 6 Elfa wire drawer units that are as tall or taller than I am and recently we got a 4 drawer lateral file. Then I have two 6 self book cases and three floor to ceiling built in shelves in the closets. You see, I need to get it under control and I feel I am making headway. I am trying to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life and I do think watercolor and polymer are it. Oh, I did just take on Silver Art Clay. Check out this link to see what someone can do with it. This lady is quite an artist!
Can't wait to get some pieces like these made. I have my kiln but need some instruction on running it. Hopefully next week.
East Texas Spring--Lots of New Little Calves
Lynn as been in Dallas for two nights and will be home tomorrow and we will work late in the barn getting ready for the sale.
Wish us luck!
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