Well, today is our son Clint's 41st Birthday! WOW are We getting old! I just can't believe that 41 years has passed and I feel as young mentally as I did then but the old body sure has aged. Happy Birthday, Clint. Wish we could have been in San Antonio to celebrate with you. Maybe next year?
Well, as many of you know I love to start a project but finishing is not really the main thing I start for. I love the process and learning about how and why you do something a certain way. I love the process of planning, gathering the supplies and getting if off the ground. Well, maybe you remember way back when I started a silk scarf. It has been hanging around in my studio for weeks and months. Well, I set a goal for myself this week---FINISH THE SCARF! I did it today. It is painted and I need it to set up for 24 hours, heat set it and wash it and walah! It will be done. Here is a pic of it as it looks now. Check back in my archives to see where it was when I started. I think I am going to love it and to think---it is an original and there is nothing like it in this world!!! That's the part I love when I create.
Check back in a day or two as I will have more pics when it is heat set and washed. The background looks black but it is a wonderful brown. I am learning on this one and already have a smaller one in the frame.
Monday is the first meeting of our new Polymer Clay Day group here in Mineola. I am thrilled I have "hooked" a handful of friends to join together and play one day a month for now. Should be fun and creative. http://www.mlota.org/ There is an art show coming up soon so I need to get to painting----looking forward to art this spring.
Another picture of the Bluebonnets here in the area.
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